Chloe Ireton - Imagining Freedom: Enslaved Black People in Sevilla and Their Personal Cartographies of the Atlantic World
Wednesday 19 October (Week 2), 4:30pm
Morris Room, Exeter College, Turl Street
Chloe Ireton is a Lecturer in the History of Iberia and the Iberian World 1500-1800, and works on the histories of race, slavery, freedom, and empire in the early Southern Atlantic world. She is currently at work on a monograph tentatively entitled Slavery & Freedom in Black Thought in the Early Spanish Atlantic. She is the author of various articles, including ‘Black Africans’ Freedom Litigation Suits to Define Just War and Just Slavery in the Early Spanish Empire,’ Renaissance Quarterly (2020), which was awarded the Renaissance Society of America William Nelson Prize for best article published in the Renaissance Quarterly in 2020.