Domenico Cecere - Disasters That Made the World Shudder: How Extreme Events Redefined Communication and Politics in the Spanish Monarchy
Joint Session with the Early Modern Italian Seminar
Tuesday 30 January (Week 3), 4.30pm
St Edmund Hall, Queen’s Lane
Domenico Cecere is Associate Professor of Early Modern History at the Università di Napoli ‘Federico II’. His research focuses on popular politics and social conflicts, on integration and mobility in early modern Naples, and on perceptions of and reactions to disasters in the Spanish Empire. From 2018 he has coordinated the ERC project DisComPoSE: Disasters, Communication and Politics in Southwestern Europe. His publications include the monograph Le armi del popolo. Conflitti politici e strategie di resistenza nella Calabria del Settecento (EdiPuglia, 2013) and the collective volumes Disaster Narratives in Early Modern Naples: Politics, Communication and Culture (Viella, 2018) and Rischio, catastrofe e gestione dell’emergenza nel Mediterraneo occidentale e in Ispanoamerica in età moderna: Omaggio a Jean-Philippe Luis (Universidad de Alicante – fedOA Press, 2022).