Emily Floyd - Imagining Rome from Quito: The Global Vision of an Eighteenth-Century Jesuit in South America
Wednesday 9 February (Week 4), 4.30-6 pm
Hybrid: FitzHugh Auditorium, Cohen Quad (Exeter College) & via Zoom
Emily C. Floyd is Lecturer in Visual Culture and Art before 1700 at University College London. Her investigation explores material cultures of religion in the colonial and pre-Columbian Americas, particularly religious print culture in South America. She has published on Inca metalwork, silversmith-engravers in colonial Lima, and religion and digital humanities. Her recent publications include the article ‘The Word as Object in Colonial Spanish South America: Juan María de Guevara y Cantos’s Corona de la Divinissima María (Lima, 1644’, Material Religion 17, 2 (2021).
The meeting will physically take place in the FitzHugh Auditorium, Cohen Quad (Exeter College), but it will also be possible to participate via Zoom. Please register in advance: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYocOyhpjwvEtVRJ9HEFBwnrLa9qQ2_6sMU. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.