Political pacts and conflict in Castile (1368-1518)
Thursday 13 February 2020 (Week 4), 11.15am
Rector's Drawing Room, Exeter College, Turl Street
José Manuel Nieto Soria is Professor of Medieval History at the Universidad Complutense, Madrid. He is a specialist in the political, ecclesiastical and cultural history of late medieval Castile. His many books include: Fundamentos ideológicos del poder real en Castilla, siglos XIII-XVI (1988); Ceremonias de realeza: Propaganda y legitimación en la Castilla Trastámara (1993); and Iglesia y genésis del Estado moderno en Castilla, 1369-1480 (1994). He has recently co-edited Cartas de mujeres en la Europa medieval: España, Francia, Italia y Portugal, siglos XI-XV (2018) with Jean-Pierre Jardin, Patricia Rochwert-Zuili and Hélène Thieulin-Pardo.