The Archive as Historical Subject: A Conversation with Nancy van Deusen
Wednesday 25 January (Week 2), 4:30pm
Rector's Drawing Room, Exeter College, Turl Street
Nancy E. van Deusen is Professor of History at Queen’s University at Kingston and a Visiting Fellow at All Souls College, Oxford in Hilary Term 2023. A historian of the colonial Andean, Latin American, and early modern Atlantic worlds, her research focuses on the histories of slavery in the Iberian world, and gender relations and female Catholic spirituality in colonial Peru. Her current project is about the histories of slavery in the Iberian world, and gender relations and female Catholic spirituality in colonial Peru and why it has disappeared from our narratives of the past. Her books include Global Indios: The indigenous struggle for justice in sixteenth-century Spain (2015) and Embodying the sacred: Women mystics in seventeenth-century (2017).