Adrian Masters, ‘The Two, the One, the Many, the None: Rethinking the Republics of Spaniards and Indians in the Sixteenth-Century Spanish Indies’, The Americas, 78, 1 (2021): 3-36.
Gabriel Di Meglio, ‘Popular Classes, Revolution and Labour Relations in Nineteenth-Century Argentina’, in Pepijn Brandon, Peyman Jafari, and Stefan Müller (eds.), Worlds of Labour Turned Upside Down: Revolutions and Labour Relations in Global Perspective (2021), pp. 50-77.
Sergio Serulnikov, ‘Patricians and Plebeians in Late Colonial Charcas: Identity, Representation, and Colonialism’, in Andrew B. Fisher and Matthew D. O’Hara (eds.), Imperial Subjects: Race and Identity in Colonial America (2009), pp. 167-183.
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