The convenors of the Iberian History Seminar are pleased to announce the term card for Hilary Term 2024. The programme reflects the seminar's aim to range widely across the premodern history of the Iberian peninsula and beyond, with world-leading scholars and talented early career researchers presenting and discussing cutting-edge research.
The seminar will meet every fortnight, with an additional session in Week 3. There is a great lineup for this term, which will start with two consecutive joint sessions with the Early Modern Italian World Seminar, whose termly programme is entirely dedicated to the theme of the Italian and global Mediterranean. We will begin in Week 2 with a talk by Alejandro García Montón (Granada) on Genoese entrepreneurs and the Atlantic slave trade in the second half of the seventeenth century and continue in Week 3 with Domenico Cecere (Naples), who will speak on the relationship between disasters and political communication in the early modern Spanish monarchy. We will then continue with two sessions focusing on colonial Latin American History. In Week 4, Caroline Cunill (EHESS, Paris) will take us through the intricacies of translation studies as applied to indigenous records from postcolonial Mesoamerica, with specific reference to the Maya Yucatec language, while Nicole T. Hughes (Stanford) will present the first results of her new project on martyrdom narratives in the Iberian borderlands in Week 6. The series will conclude in Week 8 with a more informal conversation about slavery and theology with Daniel Schwartz (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), based on his forthcoming edition of an Englisg translation of Luis de Molina's discussion of the legitimacy of slavery and slave trade .