Indigenous Histories of the Early Modern Iberian World
4 | Contemporary Indigenous Perspectives
Convenors: Giuseppe Marcocci (Exeter College) and Joana Neves Teixeira (Lincoln College)
Friday 24 November (Week 7), 1:00pm
Room 8.5, Exeter College, Turl Street
D. Kopenawa, The Falling Sky: Words of a Yanomami Shaman (2013), Introduction (‘Setting the Scene’; ‘Words Given’, pp. 1-13) & chs. 9 & 10 (‘First Contacts’; ‘The Mission’, pp. 168-204).
S. Rivera Cusicanqui, Ch’ixinakax Utxiwa: On Practices and Discourses of Decolonisation (2020).
NB: Electronic copies of the readings will be pre-circulated through the mail list of Iberian History at Oxford. If you wish to join the mail list, please email