In the final meeting of the term, the reading group will discuss the after-life of Fuente Ovejuna. The play has become a classic, but has also been staged on multiple occasions in a variety of complex historical contexts, from the Soviet Union to the period of the Spanish Civil War, and to countries under dictatorship in the second half of the twentieth-century. We will ask what this means for us as historians and scholars of visual and literary cultures, and whether the subsequent use that is made of a any kind of source matters or not for our handling of them. We will also watch short clips of modern interpretatuons of the play.
C.C. Oechler, 'Dictating aesthetic and political legitimacy through Golden Age Theatre: Fuente Ovejuna at the Teatro Español, directed by Cayetano Luca de Tena (1944)', Hispanic Review 86:4 (2018): 439-461.
J.T. Parker, 'Recruiting the literary tradition: Lope de Vega's Fuenteovejuna as cultural weapon during the Spanish Civil War', Bulleting of the Comediantes 62:1 (2010): 123-143.
C.B. Weimer, 'The politics of adaptation: Fuenteovejuna in Pinochet's Chile', in Exhoes and inscriptions: Comparative approaches to early modern Spanish literatures, edited by B.A. Simerka and C.B. Weimar (2000), pp. 234-249.