I am the Queen Sofía Fellow in Spanish at Exeter College and Associate Professor of Spanish at the University of Oxford. My research works across intellectual history and literature, with a particular interest in seeing how literary productions such as the epic poems produced and avidly read across the Iberian world engaged with and transformed some of the incandescent ethical and political questions of their time: the formation and interaction of political communities, models of monarchical and non-monarchical rulership, the ethics of conflict, slavery, inter-confessional religious interactions and scientific questions. My first book, The Epic Mirror: Poetry, Conflict Ethics and Political Community in Colonial Peru (Tamesis, 2022) applies this approach to the historical epics of viceregal Peru. I am currently working on several projects, with a particular interest in sacred epic and converso communities.
I have spent time in libraries and archives in the US (Huntington, Library of Congress, Nettie Lee Benson) and Spain (Biblioteca Nacional, Archivo Histórico Nacional in Madrid and Toledo, Archivo General de Palacio, Archivo Diocesano de Cuenca) and am always happy to talk to and learn from Iberian historians at Oxford and beyond!
For more information, please see my page on the Medieval and Modern Languages Faculty website.
I can be reached by email: imogen.choi@mod-langs.ox.ac.uk.